Simple Move To Actor only works if goal actor moves

Hi everybody.

I just converted my project to 4.4 and something came up.

I have an AI set up with a Behavior Tree Task to make the AI agent follow an object (which is attached to the player).
It was working fine before the conversion but now the AI agent only starts moving after the player does some movement. If the player doesn’t move the BTTask does nothing. I have debugged and saw that it is calling the event every frame - with or without the player moving.

Here is a screen shot of the blueprint:

What am I doing wrong?


I don’t know if it helps, but here is the Behavior Tree of the AI agent:

I had a similar trouble… Double check that you have spawned your AI controller and the pawns AI is set to appropriate AI class - also, I think you need to run your CastFailed wires to the FinishExecute or you may have other troubles with that as well.