Unit Spawn after, move and attack

I apologize for using the translator because I am not good at English.
I want to make a game of RTS like Clash Royale, but it is hard to move after sponsoring the unit.

I’m still a beginner.

If the map shows this, Target is a castle and if you select a line and unit out of the number and pull out the unit, the automatic movement to the Y axis and the final target are the castle in the map and want to attack if the enemy unit is met. Briefly and try the tree bieibieo ai move to also set without moving in lines, but ignoring the movement to. How can it be handled efficiently?

The level spawn the unit this way. Please advise.

It looks like you are spawning the unit as an AI pawn.
That can work, but what does the AI controller code look like, which tells it how to move?

I want to call in the unit at the level and manage it with an AI controller. Also, how do I move along the Y-axis line?
Along the 1, 2, 3, 4. line

I’m afraid I dont know, but to make AI move at all I think you have to issue a Move to command such as a MoveToLocationOrActor

it looks like your trying to do something similar to the moba livestream series so maybe that will be of some help.