How to send text from a textbox to another blueprint

I have a widget with a textbox I want to know how I can take the text box’s text and put it in a variable in another blueprint thanks for any answers.

this actually didn’t work im casting to a first person hud class

its actually pretty simple, theres a event for committing text which can be found in the details panel with the text box selected. using this event you can then just get a reference to the actor you want to set the variable in.

below is an example of what i mean. in the example on text committed i get the player character, cast to identify its class, then set the “charTextVar” which is located in the character bp. i also show some of the options that can be used for committing text on the select node.

you show in your picture that your casting to a first person character not a hud. what happened when you tried it? did you resolve the issues in your widget before trying it launch?