How do I make the enemy shoot "backwards" in C++? It currently only shoots forward and I don't understand why. I've tried messing with the direction but I don't seem to do anng

if (!CanFireShot()) return;


FVector start = GetActorLocation();
start +=  GunOffset;
start.Y = 0.f;

FVector target = dest;
target.Y = 0.f;

FRotator direction = UKismetMathLibrary::FindLookAtRotation(start, target);
direction.Yaw = 0.f;

UWorld* const World = GetWorld();
if (World != NULL)
	AProjectile *proj = World->SpawnActor<AProjectile>(start, direction);

World->GetTimerManager().SetTimer(TimerHandle_ShotTimerExpired, this, &ABaseUnit::ShotTimerExpired, FireRate);