AI Actors can only move along Y axis

I’m trying to get a simple move to actor/location working, and I’m having some troubles. If I start a new blueprint project and then do a simple move to actor/location, I have no problems. However, once I try to do this inside my game, my actor can only move along the Y Axis.

EDIT: My NavMesh looks like this:

And my BP looks like this:

Also, it should be noted that I started off with the ShooterGame as a base template. I know there there is the UShooterCharacterMovement that overrides the max speed, I’m wondering if there is something similar for the AI. I am currently using the simple AIController class for this AI, and there is no Behaviour Tree.

After looking in the PathFollowingComponent the UpdatePathSegment always finishes with a EPathFollowingResult::Blocked.

Well, if things work in an out-of-the box project, and doesn’t work in yours then it must be something you did to your project. Would you mind posting more info on what you did in your project? Can you post screenshots of your BPs/navmesh?



I’ve edited my original answer to add some screenshots and some additional details

After some additional investigation, it would appear that using the Add Movement Input (which is also used for the movement for the main character) seems to suffer from the same problem for my AI.

So I’ve partially solved the problem. After re-creating the character blueprint for the test character, everything seems to work as intended. I have absolutely no idea why my original one wasn’t working, after looking at the blueprint diffs there were quite a few, but none that were obviously the problem. Thankfully, I hadn’t advanced too far.