How to make the collision body smooth

How to make the collision body except the capsule and sphere that the UE comes with? A collision body of a custom collision body such as a cylinder is not a cylinder but a polygon column. Moving on a cylinder does not have a smooth feel because it is a straight line composed of not a true curve. How can I make a surface collision body with the same collision body as the UE? Or is there any way to get a perfect surface collision for the spline?

In the Static Mesh Editor you go to Collisions > and can add Sphere or Capsule collision.

However, if you wanna bring them over from a 3D sofware, there’s this:

Mesh Prefix and Name



Boxes are created with the Box objects type in Max or with the Cube polygonal primitive in Maya. You cannot move the vertices around or deform it in any way to make it something other than a rectangular prism, or else it will not work.


Capsules are created with the Capsule object type. The capsule does not need to have many segments (8 is a good number) at all because it is converted into a true capsule for collision. Like boxes, you should not move the individual vertices around.


Spheres are created with the Sphere object type. The sphere does not need to have many segments (8 is a good number) at all because it is converted into a true sphere for collision. Like boxes, you should not move the individual vertices around.


Convex objects can be any completely closed convex 3D shape. For example, a box can also be a convex object. The diagram below illustrates what is convex and what is not: