How to save " state " of actor after quit game?

Hi ! iam sorry iam new and maybe this question was post many times but i can’t find the answer of my question…

i try to save actor after game quit :

i begin play , i take actor ( bp_book etc… ) add to inventory , actor was destroy etc etc, I SAVE the game to slot.

now if i load the game its ok i have my actor in my inventory , my actor IS NOT on map ok its fine.

Now i quit the game and lunch the game. i set a begin play >>load from slot etc , my game load.

i have my item in inventory ok its work perfectly BUT : the actor was respawn on map like never destroy.

i use gameinstance of course ,

when i save : get myinstance>>setmyinstance ( set from save game ref)>> save game to slot

when i load : load from slot>> cast to bp_savegame >>Set>>load and set variable>> set myinstance ( with get my instance in ref)

load and set save : this is a fonction to take all my variables ( health , player velocity, player localisation, inventory etc) i put all my variable in a variable (save game ref : variable type >bp_savegame)
so i get my instance from save game ref in my load and save and >> set myintance.

i don’t know if iam clear iam sorry, 3 days after i can’t find a solution i watch all tutorial i can find but nothing…

thx you for the help !

bp save game :

save :

load :

load and set variables :

eventgraph 3person :

ok so i just learn : The GameInstance Class will be created when the Game starts and will be deleted when it closes. It will SURVIVE level swaps. ok so its not possible to save the simple thing like that ?