Level unlocking

Hi i post this question once but i really dont know how to do that. Im making mobile game. The game has 19 levels. In the picture is Main Menu. The problem is that player have access to any of these levels. Thats why i want make level unlocikg system. On eatch level i have finish line where can be trigger box. I try some scripts before]but nothing work for me (maybe i something screw up). If someone can send me screenshot and explained me where i supposed to write that script (Main menu, trigger box, game mode…) I really appreciate any help. Thanks.


hey, simple way would be to just remember number of finished level in save file/ game data, then unlock the level if its number is smaller than number of finished levels. This can involved making level button/icon clickable, changing colors etc.

unfortunately don’t have UE available right now (also I don’t really work with blueprints that much :frowning: ), but maybe this will help? https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/Gameplay/SaveGame/Blueprints

Can u send me screenshot please ? I would really appreciate. Thanks.

youve asked this before