How to delete a C++ class

Because I wanted to set the uniqueNetId through C++ I created a C++ Class with the Editor wizard. But my project is buggy and couldn’t handle C++ files. So I want to delete it, but how?

I tried to delete the files in the Source folder and than started the Project again:


Note: VRHalloweenHorror is my project name. The C++ file name is MultiplayerGetNetId

When clicking no, nothing happens.
When clicking yes, It says I should rebuild manually.

When right-clicking on the project and generating Visual Studio files I get this:

It says something like: The Namespace ‘global namespace’ already got a definition for ‘(my project file name)’

Regenerate your project files. If that doesn’t work clean out your intermediate folder and compile/generate again.

Thanks for your fast reply!

I tried that and a .vs folder and .sln file created itself in the Game project folder. But when starting the project, I still get the message that a Module is missing/build with different engine:


Delete the .cpp and .h files.
Right click the VRHalloweenHorror.uproject,Generate Visual Studio files.
If built fails,open VRHalloweenHorror.sln,build it in visual studio.That will be OK.

I didn’t find any .cpp or .h files. So I opened VRHalloweenHorror.sln and build (with Development Editor and Win64). It was successful but when starting the project (double click on VRHalloweenHorror.uproject) I got the same message:


How can I delete the C++ class? Is there no easy solution?

I finally got it back working. I right clicked the VRHalloweenHorror.uproject file and selected Edit (For me it was Open with Brackets) and deleted the whole module section (picture). And then I deleted the Saved folder, Intermediate folder and .Vs folder and all other Visual Studio files.

I have the same problem and nothing works.

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I have got it working back. I deletes is source all C++ and visual studios files and it works :smiley: