Binary build from Github sources

I have to use custom build from Github because I need dedicated server build, but it raises few problems that make work with engine less comfortable. F.e.:

  1. UE4 project in game project solution. Accidental solution rebuild takes time.
  2. It’s hard to share build with other team members - a lot of files should be ignored (*.pdb, *.mdb, *.a, etc.), and I’m not sure that it’s right way to deal with it.
  3. Project version in .uproject file uses GUID that not the same on different machines, so engine says that game should be recompiled, etc.

Is it possible to create “binary” build like pre-build versions from launcher, without UE4 project in solution, fixed version instead of GUID?

Hey ufna-

Try setting the source control you are using to not include the Intermediate folder as well as the .sln and .suo files. Then when your team members retrieve the files, they can right click the .uproject file and select “Switch Unreal Engine Version” to whichever version they are using and then right click the .uproject again and select “Generate Visual Studios project files.” This will generate the correct folder and source files for their machine.


Intermediate is not the only one folder to be ignored. Another folders (even Source) contains a lot of files like *.pdb, *.mdb, *.lib, *.dll.a, *.a

Also .uproject file in this case always conflicts with repository version. It’s not critical, but annoying :slight_smile:

Hey ufna-

I am marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.

Thank you.

Hi , I’m looking for information along these lines too. It’s awkward to have my artist need to build the engine from source just to get the custom changes I have in my build.

I have solved the GUID issue by setting the registry key “HKCU\Software\Epic Games\Unreal Engine\Builds\4.MyProjectName” to point at the build directory. But it’d be nice to understand what is required for a binary build and also to get the VS project to not include the engine files for people who aren’t modifying the engine.

Hey ryani-

Please check out the answer posted by on the following post:

Here he discusses the process of how a binary build is created here at Epic.
