Can someone explain to me how to fill a DataTable using C++?

Okay, I’ve been trying to understand the engine code about the datatables but I really don’t understand how to fill a datatable using C++. I’ve initialized the datatable with the correct structure which contains only two members: “Name” and “Weapon”. But I really don’t understand how to put the values that I want in my datatable. Can someone help me please? I’ve been searching around the internet but can’t seem to find anything…


Hi supaflakes,

To add values to your data table, you need to use AddRow:

DataTable->AddRow("Jojo", FDialogStruct { "Jojo", "Sword" });
DataTable->AddRow("Momo", FDialogStruct { "Momo", "Axe" });

Oh that’s what I needed to put as a second argument. I feel dumb… Thanks a lot anyway!