Problem with UE 4.19 on Mojave

Hi, I’m max a 3D painter and recently I try to use unreal for a my project, but when I try to creat a material, the bug report generate this message:

[SM5] /tmp/8384_3933168010.metal(0): Metal Shared PCH generation failed - cannot find metal_stdlib header relative to /Applications/ locally.

I use Xcode 10 on Mojave.
How can I fix this? Thanks so much

Hi, did you find a solution to this? I’m getting this error when trying to launch 4.18 on my MBP. I have Xcode 10.1 installed.

Hi. At the moment I didn’t know how to resolve this issue. I found a post on Reddit, where the user said he resolve this problem with installing a previous version of Xcode. But for my personal opinion; this is not a fix is a workaround. And I believe that: two versions of Xcode on the same machine is possible but not safe if you work with Xcode seriously.

Epic PLEASE answer more questions that are unresolved like this. It’s very disheartening to devs using your engine to find their exact question on the forum without an answer. I understand that devs can help each other on the forum, but often times if Epic would just provide some quick insight it would save us a lot of time. Over the course of developing my last game this happened to me personally at least half a dozen times.

I found a solution that will work for me (and hopefully others that find this in the future). I installed engine version 4.21.1 and was able to launch it. I will be upgrading my game to this engine version so that I can run it on the Mac.


We had the same issue.

We’ve installed Xcode 9.4.1 aside Xcode 10. You can find previous Xcode release here

You have to extract the downloaded archive, rename the downloaded to and put it next to your existing Xcode application.
After this, you should have two Xcode applications: 1) /Applications/ and /Applications/

Now, you have to switch your current Xcode version. To do so enter the following command line:

sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/

Then, try to re-generate your Xcode solution and rebuilt your project.

This is no ideal, but this is the only way we managed to work on a UE 4.19 project under macOS Mojave.