How to notify the main game thread when the FRunnable is done?

Hi all !
I am making progress with multi-threading in ue4 but I am still a bit puzzled.

How can I notify the main thread when my computation in the FRunnable is done so that I can they query the data from the thread (with a thread safe method ofc) ? I have read I can’t fire traditionnal events so I am a bit lost.

I could of course every tick that the thread is done running, but this is not really optimized and I not even sure this wouldn’t freeze everything since I am using a FCriticalSection lock when computing to perform a thread safe operation on FVectors (as suggested here A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums ).

Any idea ?

Here is a snippet of my code :

uint32 ForceFieldWorker::Run()
	//Initial wait before starting

	//While not told to stop this thread 
	//		and not yet computing the position of atoms
	while (!m_Kill)
		if (m_Pause)
			//FEvent->Wait(); will "sleep" the thread until it will get a signal "Trigger()"

			if (m_Kill)
				return 0;
			PC->ClientMessage("Starting Step " + FString::FromInt(counter + 1));

			//critical section :

			/** Compute one step of Force Field computation */


			/* increment step counter */

			//prevent thread from using too many resources

			if (IsFinished()) //if we are done, pause the thread
				m_Pause = true;

	return 0;

I used the following website to learn about multithreading and it has an example of the thread calling an event when it is finished:


  • In the FRunnable subclass, the DECLARE_EVENT macro was used to create a type FThreadFinishEvent, which was used to create a variable ResultEvent.
  • When the thread’s Run method was finished, the ResultEvent.Broadcast() method was called
  • In the class that uses an instance of the FRunnable subclass, ResultEvent.AddUObject() method was called, which specified a function to invoke when the event is broadcast…

Hi! Thanks for your answer.
Sorry for the late answer, i have been quite busy lately.

Unfortunately your link is broken :frowning:
I will research FThreadFinishEvent though, which should put me on the way. Thx :slight_smile:

This is wrong. Broadcast will always run bound objects within the same thread. UE4 events/delegates, as far as I can see, cannot be used for inter-thread communication.

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We can use:
AsyncTask(ENamedThreads::GameThread, Delegate {
It will execute the function in the GameThread.