Variable not replicating

I made it so that when the player presses key F it will check if it is overlapping an actor(replication enabled for the actor) that implements an interface , if it does it will call a function of this interface sending the player controller as a parameter

This function calls an event(run on server) that will get the controlled pawn of the given controller, cast it and then call an event(run on server) inside it

This event inside the character will increase an integer +1, this integer haves replication set to repNotify

When notified the player will print his integer with the print string node

This works when the server is the one pressing the F key but it does not for all the other clients

Characters are replicated

The actor is replicated

All events are set to run on server because i want the server to handle this and then just notify the change in the variable

The F key also checks if it haves authority, i tried without authority too

Is there anything i am missing? I can’t post a screenshot of the nodes now but i will update this question tomorrow and post pictures if needed

Also what is the best way in this scenario to reference the player on the server? Is it ok to give the controller to the server or can i just send it the character itself(there would be no need to cast this way)