Access violation while trying to access ID3D11Texture2D


I plan to use cuda in my project. To do this, I already got the ID3D11Texture2D using:


In the next step I plan to use interop to access the Texture:

cudaGraphicsResource_t resource;
cudaGraphicsD3D11RegisterResource(&resource, (ID3D11Resource*)D3D11Texture, cudaGraphicsRegisterFlagsNone);
cudaGraphicsMapResources(1, &resource);

But unfortunately I get the Error 11 when I use cudaGraphicsD3D11RegisterResource which means “invalid parameter” and the engine stops working after accessing the resources (cudaGraphicsMapResources)

Would be very nice if someone here could help me :slight_smile:


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I am trying to do the same thing. Also failed at registering the resource with the same error.