OnAudioFinished not called for USoundWaveProcedural

I have a class extended from USoundWaveProcedural:

class UMySoundWave : public USoundWaveProcedural

		bool Initialize();

UMySoundWave::UMySoundWave(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer) : Super(ObjectInitializer) {}

bool UMySoundWave::Initialize()
	uint32 BytesRead;
	uint8 *AudioBuffer = ...;// HERE: GENERATE PCM DATA AND FILL BytesRead
	NumChannels = 1;
	SampleRate = 44100;
	Duration = (BytesRead / 2) / 44100.0;
	SoundGroup = SOUNDGROUP_Voice;
	QueueAudio(AudioBuffer, BytesRead);
	delete AudioBuffer;

	return true;

The problem is when I use SpawnSoundAttached with this sound, OnAudioFinished never called.

Did you ever figure this out?

I’ve been struggling with the same issue for the past few days now. I’m considering just putting in a delayed event where the delay = the length of the audio, but that just feels sloppy…

I did the same - timer as a solution/workaround.