Season 7 release constantly crashing

Hi Epic Games. I got home today (12/6/2018) and I tried to launch Fortnite using Epic Games Launcher. It worked for about three seconds. Afterwards, the pop-up saying that “an unreal process has crashed.” Usually, when that happens, I try it again and it works. This was not the case. It is continuing to crash and I don’t know what to do. Please Help!

it happens to me too. I cant even open the game, it says an unreal process has crashed every time I try to lunch


Same thing is happening to me when I got home at 2:50pm

its still going I haven’t played for 6hours and 10mins.what do I do

this isnt the fortnite forum GO TO FORTNITE FORUM FOR HELP :slight_smile:

Me to i havent played since the new update epic please fix this problem