Replicating not replicating to clients

This print method uses kismet printstring (prepends client: or server:)

This crashes on client


Here i apply it


I have tried lots and lots of different ways to replicate this! Help! Also it sometimes works! ← And this is where things get complicated!

The event must be replicated to the server, try the top of the command line because the rest will also be, if it is associated with a blueprint, the variables must be replicated and the non-replicated events should call the replicates.


Have you set bReplicates = true; on the AStatusEffect actor?
I suspect it is an access violation crash meaning that LastAppliedEffect is NULL on the clients and the actor not replicating could cause that.

~ Dennis “MazyModz” Andersson

->(Client) Client presses button
->(Server) S_TryApplyEffect
->(Server) OnRep_LastEffectUpdated()
So data should reach clients

Found out that it just does not with my PC, but i have tried it on another PC, and there it works. I have deleted intermediate, binaries and saved folder with no change.
Are there more caches/settings that i should look for? Maybe i should reinstall ue4?

Yes, it’s set on actor on creation and in constructor

void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(TArray& OutLifetimeProps) const

May not be relevant, but did you implement this in your base character for the necessary things that need to be replicated?