Nav mesh is fragmented in Published Game 4.21.1

I m making another post because this issue is not fixed and because of this issue, I can’t test a game on Devices I intended to make a game for. I was told that On Master Branch of Engine this issue is Fixed, but then my question is from what branch does 4.21.1 comes? Because Fix Was not there. I would like to hear some answer or estimation when this would be fixed?

This is Updated Issue On this
Only its now still in New HotFix .

I updated my project from 4.20 to 4.21 and it seems now as though the dynamic navigation fails to generate correctly in both editor and packaged builds but more consistently with packaged builds.

Is this what you are experiencing?

This is what I am seeing, in editor its about 70% working, in packaged games its about 80% failing. my AI ends up flying into the air because i spawn them based on a point from the nave mesh. If there is no Nav mesh they spawn on top of each other.

Hot Fix 4.21.2 is out which should solve nav mesh issues.

Fixed! UE-67239 GitHub 5334 : Fix: Initialize RcNavMeshOrigin in constructor of FRecastNavMeshGenerator

I just upgraded to 4.21.2 and im still seeing this issue in a packaged game…

I can for sure say, that Nav mesh issue with chunking is fixed because with 4.21.2 update I can successfully test the game on my device. Maybe you are experiencing different issue?

Perhaps, When i launch my packaged game, the nav mesh is not generating at all, and hence the AI is not moving.

This issue is about another bug, This is about Nav mesh beeing Split in Chunks and you cant cross the chunk border. Basically Navmesh is Fragmented. So if your Nav meshes don’t load at all it might be you have not set up correctly your scene.

My Nav meshes are set up correctly, this works perfectly in 4.19, but does not in 4.21.1 or 4.21.2. However i take your point that this must be a different issue. Thanks for the help.