Force fixed frame interval sequencer option in 4.20-4.21

The option called force fixed frame rate interval used to render sequences that had very low fps smoothly at a give frame rate.

I have scenes where fps hits 2-3 fps but using the option in sequencer, it allowed me to render videos at my desired fps.
With 4.20 I saw this in the change long.

But the option is missing completely from the sequencer or any other place.

It’s been renamed and moved to the frame rate pulldown menu as “Lock to Display Rate at Runtime”

That didn’t work as intended while I was testing.

I was doing panorama recording that took 1-2 mins per panorama. And after I have tried tried rendering a video 5 frames long, the result was 2 panoramas each time instead of 5.

What did work for me was increasing the rendered frame rate to 240.