Is it possible to export the Shooter character Mesh to be used in the FPS Code?

I am working on a project in FPS Code, and I am trying to alter the mesh of the FPS MyCharacter.

The Shooter example is using the SkeletalMesh titled “HeroFPP”, as is the FPS Code. One is blue, while the other has an altered model with different textures and a different weapon.

I am unsure of how to go about altering the FPS Code MyCharacter Mesh. Is it possible to export the Shooter character Mesh to be used in the FPS Code?

Thanks for your help.

I attempted to migrate the PlayerPawn from the Shooter demo into a FPSCode base, and had an error occur. The error read:

Invalid Class
The Parent Class Could Not Be Found

Inside the Shooter demo, the parent class of the PlayerPawn is ShooterCharacter, which doesn’t exist in the FPSCode. I added code to the file, with the same name as ShooterCharacter.h. This then errored with more dependencies.

Is there a way to avoid this issue? Does the migration not include the required dependencies in these classes?