Replicate character rotation on AddLocalRotation

After executing these events in my character blueprint, the character successfully rotates locally, however problems occur when trying multiplayer.

When the server (listen) player rotates, the other players see it, but when a client rotates, it doesn’t replicate.

Is there a way to make the blueprint update to server? Or maybe should I rotate something else?

(Also, it’s a third person game, AddControllerYawInput or something only turns the camera, I just want to rotate the mesh.)

UseControllerRotationYaw is disabled.

What I’m trying to do is rotate the camera and move around like in a third person game, but rotate my character/mesh with say Q and E. It all works, but the character turning doesn’t replicate to other players like with UseControllerRotationYaw or Orient Rotation to Movement.

Why do you want to rotate character locally ? Did you use the UseControllerRotationYaw to rotate Actor with camera ?

ok, so you need to update rotation from client to server. Try this one

Make custom event that will run on server and tell server to update rotation of your actor so all client will be same.

It works, thank you Duncan! :smiley: