Pending Kill Error on Set Life Span

The pawn causing the error is ‘PlayerDecoy’, which I’m spawning from the ‘ThirdPersonCharacter’ BP, along with a ‘Set Life Span’ node (the source of the error, set to ~10 seconds). That BP looks like this:


When the ‘Set Life Span’ node is run, the following error occurs:

Blueprint Runtime Erorr: “Attempted to access PlayerDecoy_C_1 via property CallFunc_FinishSpawningActor_ReturnValue, but PlayerDecoy_C_1 is pending kill”

I’ve never used Set Life Span before so I could just be misunderstanding its use. Any ideas what might be causing this?

This was one of those PEBCAK issues.

For reference on the off-chance someone else has the same issue, my problem was that the actor was being blocked from spawning by a collision (I was spawning ‘PlayerDecoy’ on the player character’s location). Didn’t notice it wasn’t spawning because the pawn has no visible components… :slight_smile:

Disabling collision on the pawn did the trick.