Game Crashes on Mobile Device when call Open Level

hey UE4 Community,
Again i am stuck with a problem and I cannot solve it on my own.

My problem:
When I package my Project and put it on my phone for testing (Galaxy S8+) with the Newest Android version,
The StartMenu opens. When I press play and try to Open Level “MainLevel” it crashes all the time. When I do it on Editor or when I use launch on device, it works fine. But the packaged version “ETC1” just crashes when I try to open a new Level.

What I tried:
I searched alot tried some things but nowthing helped.

1.Packaging everything, what’s included in Content Folder.

  1. Packaging only with selected content and maps.
  2. Disabled unused plugins.
  3. Packaged in different versions like (Multi,ATC, ETC1, ETC1a…)
  4. toggled compressed cook packages
  5. Tried different Min. and Target SDK versions
  6. I ve also uploaded the App on Google play Console and installed it from google play. Same result.
  7. Tried using different Path for open level (“MainLevel”, “/Game/Levels/Mainlevel”, “/Levels/MainLevel”)
  8. Disabled Savegame function to test if loading variables are causing this issue…

Nothing helped yet.
When I package the apk file. I just put the apk file onto the phone via usb and install the apk inside the phone.
I couldn’t get it installed via the batch file, because it keeps telling me, that the device could not be found.

I am programming the most in c++ and all UI related things in blueprint.

I hope someone can help me with this issue.

is it possible you are using any non-mobile friendly assets (high poly or high resolution textures) that crashes the phones gpu? or maybe using any features that arnt meant for mobile, like the ui background blur.

Hope this helps

I dont think so. Every texture was made by myself 256x256 or 512x512. Also the objects are made in blender by myself. I tried to keep everything as simple as possible. And I can play the game when launching to Device through the editor. There are no problems

have you tried to build on another mobile device to see if its your apk or the phone?

yes on a galaxy s6. its the same result