Get CenterOfMass of the staticMesh from TArray

How would i be able to find the center of mass for the static meshes of the actors in my TArray?

void AMyCharacter::UpdateBestInteractable()
if (Interactables.Num() > 0)
FInteractableStruct CurrentInteractable;
CurrentInteractable.Dot = -1.0f;

	// For Loop to find Center of Mass on Each Interactable



Not sure what the issue is. Just call the convenient function and get what you’re looking for?

for (AActor* ItActor : MyActors) 
   if (UStaticMeshComponent* ActorMesh = ItActor->SomeFunctionThatReturnsTheActorsMesh() 
        FVector CenterOfMass = ActorMesh->GetCenterOfMass();