I need help with delay

Unreal Engine 4.9 -
So I have this actor (Rune) when collided with the player (RunCharacter) set a variable to 1 (Orb On) and then it delays it sort of as a “duration” of the effect and the turns it back to 0 (Orb Off) and afterwards it deletes itself.

And I want to show it in the HUD element. I didn’t know how to replace images so i just used a progress bar to show and hide images.

Essentialy doing this:



Now, this works but only with a delay of 2 or less. anything higher than 2 just sets it at the highest value and doesn’t reset back to 0. I can’t seem to figure out the reason behind that.

Thank you!

You could try using a timeline instead of a delay and see if you get what you are looking for.

The timeline could even be used to slowly drop or increase the power of your “buff”

Again, when I set the duration of the timeline on 2 or less it refreshes as intended, but anything larger just keeps at a 100% of the progress bar.

Thanks for the reply!