Character spawning double attachments

So, I’m having a little bit of an issue with spawning a character in client/server multiplayer game:
When the character is created I have it attach an item actor to a socket in his hand and then hide it. (I unhide / hide when item is picked up/ dropped)

The problem is the item seems to spawn twice: once correctly in his hand and the other on root joint. And I have tried a switch with has authority and remote with mixed results but neither seems to see what the other is doing.


Hi ronaldk,

How do you have your blueprint set up for the object to be picked up?

So, in construction script i have the following setup and the result is a double spawn on the client.

Notice that the second spawn attaches directly to Root (client)

Option 2 was to ad a switch node set to ‘has authority’ but that doesnt attach the item on to the socket on the client.

and finally option 3-- Set Authority to ‘Remote’, doesn’t attach the object on server.

Any suggestions?

What is your replication set to on the item? You definitely want the “switch has authority” to make sure that the spawning is only occurring on the server and is replicated to the client.

The item blueprint is literally just an actor with mesh components in it. Both event graph and ConstructionScripts are empty. I do not know how to replicate the “item” blueprint. Can I??

Regarding the Authority, i tried already and it gave me wrong results. It attaches the item to the root joint on the clients. I posted some screenshots above.

Are there any steps I am missing for this?

Instead of in construction script, what happens when you spawn the item and attach it at begin play? Is the construction script the only place that you are calling a spawn on this object?

I also tried with event begin play and had similar results. I had the character spawn on server and then spawn items, but although it looks fine on the server, on the client side the items seem to be attached to root

Same as with authority. I had server spawn both character and items but te attach doesn’t work on client: they attach to root instead of socket.