Android is not on my packaging list

I have UE4 version 4.3 installed.

I Installed the android sdk that was given with the engine in the following location

I rebuild the project files using the GenerateProjectFiles.bat

Still there is no android options when packaging the game.

Howdy envenger,

Thank you for reporting this issue. I just need a bit more information from you before I begin looking into your issue. Are you using a Binary or Source build for UE4? Have you attempted to rebuild the Engine if you are using GitHub? Would you be able to update to a newer build of UE4?

I have recently ran into this issue with another user an here is the workaround i was given for the issue:

It sounds like you installed the parts yourself instead of with our provided TADP so the environment variables were likely not set when you did the compile; it is necessary at the moment for android to be available. Also, I’m assuming you meant “Development Editor” “Win64” (rebuild), then “Development” “Android” (build).

You would need to make sure that you are using either ndk-9c or ndk-9d, not the latest ndk-10 (they changed the toolchain paths) with 32-bit, NOT 64-bit toolchain (32-bit is what is in TADP). Android SDK should be 19, not L.

Please let me know if this helps to solve your issue

Thanks and have a great day!

I have updated to 4.4 and the issue has been solved.

Very happy to hear! Have a great day!