Mesh in Aim Offset is doing strange things

When I add anims to the the Aim Offset, the result is as below. This is my first time trying to create an Aim Offset, so I am in the dark as to why this is happening. Any ideas would be helpful. Thanks in advance.

Same here. I bet it’s just 1 checkbox we forgot. But which one - 20 minutes of experimenting and still don’t know. Also can’t find any info online.

I have exactly the same problem. My result looks like Kubold’s. Any help would be appreciated. I followed this tutorial here step-by-step as far as I can tell:


I actually solved mine right after. You have to do FULL 2D space for it to work. One animation will look like this, but add 3, 4 or 6 animations, that will form an actual triangle, square or hex and it will look ok.

It can’t be one point or a straight line (like you see on my screenshots). It has to be a “space”, animations need to form a polygon.

Thanks a lot, that solved it! Can the OP mark this as resolved?

Thanks much Kubold - this was driving me nuts.

Thanks man!

mine only does that in game, it looks great in the editor but in game it inflates bigger than the whole ■■■■ map

oh yeah, and I forgot to mention mine doesn’t even aim anyway when it ■■■■ well should