Change Camera Angle while Running?

Look into “camera lag” on the spring arm component you attach your camera to. Should be able to get that effect.

Hello to everyone who sees this…

I’m trying to change my camera angle while my character is running.

Also if you happen to know how to make it move around a little bit that’d be cool too.
Like a little ‘camera animation’ I guess you’d say.

Any tutorial links are greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Here’s an example of what I’m trying to recreate :

( I know that gta is a very detailed game that took loads
of people to make but I’m not trying to do anything close to gta,
I just like the dynamic camera changes between the walking
and running animations)

Thanks for ur responcse! I had a feeling it had something to do with camera lag…i’ll look into that here in a few hours, thankyou.
What about changing the angle though?

I would put like a billboard component at the position on your character you want the camera to be while running and vector LERP the camera position to that point when the “run” key is pressed. And when it is released LERP back to the original position.