Automatic typing text - Is it possible?

Hello. I’m in the process of making a game (much like everyone else here) and I’m stuck on one problem: How can I make automatically typing text via blueprints? Think for example a sci-fi movie where text appears letter by letter for a location or person, or in Legend of Zelda when talking with an NPC, text appears letter by letter. Could this be done with blueprint? If so, how?

This should be very easy. Simply use the “Get character array from string” node to break your desired input string into separate letters. Then use a simple loop with a delay to get each item from that array and append it to a new “currentstring” value. After every update, do “set text” on your render to text component to update the text with the new “currentstring”.

Thank you for the input. I tried, and yet all I get when printing a string was the letter H for the duration of the string instead of “Hello World!”. I’ve tried with a delay input into the loop’s exec input, with no dice. I’ve posted a screenshot of my blueprint, see if you can figure out what I royally flubbed up on.

Your forloop node does not have the white execution pins hooked up. That means it is never getting triggered (a ‘pure’ call just gets the 1st element as you found). You need to first trigger the forloop and do the printscreen on the loopbody output.

I am surprised it even gave you the letter H hooked up like that, but it sort of makes sense.

Hi guys,

I was trying to do like you say, but FoorLoop is not looping correctly, on result it printing only last letter.

This is my blue print, if you can see any mistake please tell me or if you have better example

You can do it like this:

It’s probably not the most elegant solution, but it works.