Blueprint not attaching to socket in correct location

Hi, I am trying to implement a system where player is able to walk over a sword and pick it up. However I have tried using attach to nodes but when sword is supposedly attached it is in middle of my character rather than in hand which is where socket is.

Just for your information I am using a first person skeletal mesh with sword going into a socket in right hand. Below is a picture of blueprint system that I am using at moment.

Hey Alacrity,

Is this in your Character Blueprint, with Other Actor being sword and Mesh variable being your Character Mesh component? If so, you may need to check where pivot is on your sword mesh. Your settings for Blueprint work as expected for me, but I needed to adjust Socket location on my Skeletal Mesh when using a pickup with a pivot that wasn’t handle.

Hey ,

Thanks for response, you are correct, this is in character blueprint with other actor being knife. I will have a look at where pivot point is and get back to you with my findings. However in my first person character there are two mesh components, one without a skeletal mesh and another with arms and gun. In my mind I should be getting one with arms since that will have socket but I am unable to access it in blueprint?

Hey ,

I went back to it this morning and set Mesh component in first person character to have first person skeletal mesh and it is working perfectly. Just out of interest why does first person character have two mesh components?

two mesh components in your First Person Character Blueprint are for a full body mesh and for just arms. In a multiplayer game (or even single player games), player should only see arms in front of them, but other players will need to see full body mesh and NOT arms. For each mesh, you can expand Rendering section in Details panel and you’ll see settings for Owner No See and Only Owner See. By default, arms are set to Only Owner See, and full body mesh is set to Owner No See. If you’re not using full body, then you only need to worry about arms.