[Request] Changing Post Process settings via BP

I have been unable to find a way to change PP via BP Is this possible?

The best I managed to do was to get the PP volume into BP, and then I can manage to have it expose all of its settings as variables by breaking its settings structure. However I can’t manage to recombine that settings structure, so I can’t put it back into the PP object…

My backup solution at the moment has been to make a Matinee that changes PP values, and then trigger that matinee from my BP, but this is hacky. For one it will prevent me from making a BP you can easily drag into any level since it now relies on specific actors found within the level. Secondly I need to multiply one of the PP values with a value that BP controls, but with just Matinee playing a fixed animation I can’t achieve that.

I am trying to change atmosphere through BP. I have a large and complex BP that controls all colors and lights and so on, and PP is the only thing I cannot reach.

We are about to expose that functionality - annotating the setting struct and the settings itself with BlueprintReadWrite. Then we need to see what else is needed. Large struct handling in BP is not very polished yet so that also might need some work. BTW: If you can use weights you should stick to that.

UPROPERTY(interp, Category=CameraSettings, meta=(ShowOnlyInnerProperties))
struct FPostProcessSettings PostProcessSettings;

UPROPERTY(interp, BlueprintReadWrite, Category=CameraSettings, meta=(ShowOnlyInnerProperties))
struct FPostProcessSettings PostProcessSettings;

UPROPERTY(interp, Category=EyeAdaptation, meta=(UIMin = “-16”, UIMax = “0.0”, editcondition = “bOverride_HistogramLogMin”))
float HistogramLogMin;

UPROPERTY(interp, BlueprintReadWrite, Category=EyeAdaptation, meta=(UIMin = “-16”, UIMax = “0.0”, editcondition = “bOverride_HistogramLogMin”))
float HistogramLogMin

Hi Sjoerd,

Post process volumes in the level are part of the Level Blueprint. They act like a component of a Blueprint asset would. You can call functions for a volume by having it selected and right-clicking in the Level Blueprint Event Graph. From there you can add a reference node which can let you set variable of the volume. I hope that this has helped.

