How to Get Class Defaults in C++?

woah, that’s a good one, gonna try and find out.

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You need to Get the Default Object for that class, it returns an Object you can cast to a specific class, then retrieve values from it, they’ll all be the defaults.

AMyActor* DefaultActor = Cast<AMyActor>(AMyActor::StaticClass()->GetDefaultObject(true));



I was simply wondering, how I do something equivalent in C++ to the blueprint-function “GetClassDefaults”?
I have a variable that is a subclass of my UObject-class UPrimalItemBase, which is called “ItemClass”, that is a class-reference to the class I need access to:

	UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadWrite, Category = "Inventory")
	TSubclassOf<UPrimalItemBase> ItemClass;

I need this because I need to get some variables from my ItemClass. Here’s an image of the blueprint-function I need to convert to C++:


How could I do the same thing in C++? Thanks in advance, help is highly appreciated! :slight_smile:


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Hello Evigmae,

I know I can access default variables this way, however, I also need to be able to access variables from classes that are subclasses of my superclass. If you could provide me a solution to this that would be great! :slight_smile:
However, I’m not even sure if this is possible.


can’t you just Cast to the subclass instead?

Not really, because I will probably have around 10 subclasses. But I guess this is not actually possible, so I’m marking this post as resolved.

Thanks for your attention and help! :slight_smile:

if the sub-classes inherit the variable from the same actor, casting to the parent class will get you the default.

eg: You can get the default values of AActor from any actor.

if all 10 classes have their own variables, then you would have to check individually.

Aah, that’s what I thought but wasn’t completely sure of.

FWIW we have the GetDefault and GetMutableDefault functions that are templated and return the CDO (Class Default Object) cast to the type you specify.


TSubclassOf template has a function GetDefaultObject.

TSubclassOf<ABaseClass> Subclass;
ABaseClass* DefaultObject = Subclass.GetDefaultObject();