Setting a timer from game mode

I am trying to set a timer from begin play in my game mode, and when i do i get compiler errors

I’ve been looking around for a few hours and I can’t figure out what im doing wrong. Sorry if this is something simple i missed, i’m pretty awful at C++

this is the snippet of code

GetWorldTimerManager().SetTimer(this, &ACustomGameMode::StartRound, RoundStartTimerDuration, false);

heres the errors

error C2027: use of undefined type ‘FTimerManager’

error C2228: left of ‘.SetTimer’ must have class/struct/union

It’s part of the ENGINE_API so make sure you have Engine.h included

Well thats odd, you doing that in ACustomGameMode class?

Try including TimerManager.h or add class FTimerManager; in header file before your class decleration

adding Engine.h worked, thanks!

for anyone who comes by this, Engine.h is a monolithic header please use TimerManager.h instead