Amazon Gamelift Session Problem

Hi everyone,
I’m trying to use my multiplayer-project with Amazon Gamelift. Now I have the problem that just 1 of about 10 game sessions work to be connected. So the game sessions itself are all shown as “active”, but when I create a player session it is set to “reserved” (in about 9 of 10 cases). When it comes to the successful created game session, both the game session and player session are set to active and everthing works perfekt.

Thank you!

It’s been a while since this question has been posted, but I just want to note a few things. When running a command, whether it’s through an AWS SDK or the command line, to create a game session, a server process running on one of the instances in your fleet is chosen to host a game session. If there is an available server process, the a game session is created successfully. However, it may take some time for the game session to enter the ACTIVE state. Once a game session is active, you can start creating player sessions on that game session, and when a player session is created, assuming that the max number of player sessions hasn’t been reached yet for that game session, that player session starts out in the RESERVED state until the server calls AcceptPlayerSession on the id of that player session. Once that occurs, the player session is changed to the ACTIVE state. If that doesn’t happen within 60 seconds of the player session’s creation, then the session goes to the TIMEDOUT state. Once the game session is over/terminated, or the server calls TerminatePlayerSession on the id of a player session, the player session goes to the COMPLETED state.

I’m not sure if that answered your question, but I hoped that clarified some things.

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