Twitching when stepping on anything


Maybe anywho wrote it earlier (sorry, I can’t find any similar questions).
UE4 have one small, but very unpleasant physical problem. Sometimes it seems to me that physical objects are excessively physical. )))

  1. If the character is stepping on anything physical (not static) that randomly jerks around, turns sharply, instantly unfolds.
  2. And this physical objects randomly thrown at any distance in any direction.
  3. Also, the character can be thrown at any distance in any direction (shot as a projectile from a cannon). In this case, the game does not perceive the fall, and believes that the player has moved horizontally (rise and fall is not taken into account)

I can’t find solution for this problem. Maybe to OFF collision between character capsule component and any physics?
Although, It’s not good idea to go through any physical objects. It would be good if it turned out to force the character not to step on any object, and to push it aside, becoming near it.

Maybe anywho know any other solution and can help me.

I will be thankful for any helping.