How to use the "Export to Disk" node?

I am trying to export a texture from the game in game. The only thing I am not sure how to use is the “Options on Complete” delegate connection.


What does the Options on Complete connection mean and what should I connect it to?

Drag from it and create a custom node.


The red square is a delegate pin, and it will trigger the event when the task created by “Export to Disk” completes. (same thing event dispatchers and timers have)

Most other nodes like this have a “Success” exec pin to the right. But this one has it as a delegate pin on the left. I’d call it an inconsistency.

But it’s actually the same thing.

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i think you should put the error here.

Nevermind, the error has been resolved. For some reason the issue only occurs in the one blueprint I was trying to use it in previously. I opened a new project and used it and it worked perfectly fine. I ended up not using this system anyways so I suppose it worked out in the end.

Thank you for trying to help!

I have already tried to use a custom event, but it still gave me an error when compiling. This led me to believe that it was asking for a specific event with a delegate node. I have found a work-around for what I was trying to accomplish, but I would still like to know how to use this node for future use.

I think there is a very specific set of instructions that I must follow after that connect to that custom event, but I don’t know what that set of instructions is. Any ideas?

Thank you.

Sorry to revive an old post, but where is the image saved?

I can get “Export to DIsk” to execute, but I cannot find the save location of the image.

probably in “Saved” folder.

That’s where I assumed it would be too. But I have looked there, and searched my entire hard drive, with no success.

The script executes with no errors, and then when I change “Overwrite File” to off, it logs an error that says there is a file already there with that name. This leads me to believe it is in fact being saved SOMEWHERE.

It conveniently leaves out where it is trying to save the file in the log error :frowning:

[2019.06.26-14.59.06:163][598]LogImageWriteQueue: Error: Failed to write image to ‘img.exr’. Should Overwrite: 0 - If we should have overwritten the file, we failed to delete the file. If we shouldn’t have overwritten the file the file already exists so we can’t replace it.

I just found out it is being saved into the binaries folder in your ue4 installation folder (engine/binaries/win64 for me)


If you want to assign a folder location, add the folder path to the file name.

Something like:


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Realize I’m reviving an old thread; am using 5.0.3, and I get the same error that “Options on Complete” needs a connection, but I’d already tried dragging off and creating a custom event, but the automatically generated event does not work.

@fhaab I don’t know why Unreal Engine doesn’t do this by default for you but it expects the OnComplete function to have a bool input for the bSuccess parameter.

You might need to disconnect the red line before UE allows you to customize your Custom Event, but in the end this is what it should look like:


Hi ,
Every thing seems ok but it’s not working … custom event result false … there is no file saved anywhere

I was also having this same issue. I opened the “Output Log” and triggered my Blueprint. Immediately I had this output being spammed in red “Only EXR export is currently supported for PF_FloatRGBA and PF_A32B32G32R32F formats”.

Check your Output Logs and address any issues there also.

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