Array of FUniqueNetId as input gives error

I am trying to modify the oculus template project, specifically allow this array:

TArray<TSharedRef<const FUniqueNetId>> Players;

to be inputted by the user, so I added it to the list of input parameters like so:

void UOSSLeaderboardWidget::ReadLeaderboardData(const FName& LBName, const TArray<TSharedRef<const FUniqueNetId>> Players)

However, I am getting this error when compiling:

D:/School/UE/Projects/UnrealSample/Source/OculusPlatformSample/OSSLeaderboardWidget.h(55)  : Error: Unrecognized type 'TSharedRef' - type must be a UCLASS, USTRUCT or UENUM

Could anyone help me? I’m not quite sure on the syntax around creating an array of FUniqueNetIds, I had thought that since that was valid in the main code it would be a valid input…
