Syntax for adding to a dynamic multicast delegate by function name

I need to be able to bind functions to a dynamic multicast delegate with only strings representing those function names. For a non-multicast delegate, I can do things like this:

OnMatchMadeDelegate.BindUFunction(this, "HealMatcher");

For multicast delegates, I’m having to do things like this:

DoAlterationMulticastDelegate.AddDynamic(this, &UGemAltering::RemoveGems);

Unfortunately, for multicast delegates every method I try requires me to use a function pointer, not a string. It feels like I’m missing something simple. Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

hey, hey. AddDynamic is a macro, so that u cannot use but you can do what you want with something like this .

TScriptDelegate delegate;
delegate.BindUFunction(this, FName(“OnHit”));