UMG Checkbox Doesn't Scale Children How I Want

Hey, I hope everyone is doing well. I’m going back over a project and polishing it. I came across something jankey I did just to make things work. I have these tick boxes bound to code to grey one out when the other is ticked, so easy and hard can’t conflict. I now realize that a slider would have been a better option, but I already wrote the code, and this works, so let me forego that suggestion and say that I just want to get this done and move on.

What you see in the image:

-Hard mode and sounds- tick boxes that have been scaled up 4 times to fit the scene. That makes text blurry.

-Easy mode - I changed the font size to fit the scene. The text isn’t blurry, but the check box stays tiny.

What I want to do:

Make the checkbox size appropriately with the text, keeping them connected, so the text grays out with the textbox.

I’ll even take some workaround just to make the text sharp and work with the tick box. All suggestions are welcome. Thank you so much to anyone who will take the time.

I am facing exact same thing. How did you resolved it?