Most efficient way to turn on and off many stationary lights at once?

The title says it all. I have a level with about 150 stationary lights that I must turn on and off all at the same time. I see some simple ways of doing this but I’d like to know what’s correct way of doing something like this from a performance-wise viewpoint, I don’t want to have an fps drop because of this or at least limit the “damage”.

Store the actor references on begin play in an array (GetAllActorsOfClass?) then iterate that when you need to work with the lights. If the single frame performance dip is a problem then distributing the work over several frames is a trivial task this way too.

Would it be possible to make it an asynchronous thread?

Opps sorry, I missed the C++ label so what I wrote was meant for Blueprints. I don’t know how the base idea applies to C++.

Thanks for the input. I might just use BP for this if I don’t find a more efficient solution.