FSocket::SendTo doesn't send anything

I was following Rama’s UDP Connectivity tutorial to make two unreal instances communicate. I got to an impasse where FSocket::SendTo doesn’t actually send what I pass to an FArrayWriter if I initialize the destination to another address on my local network (works with, but not with 192.168.X.X addresses). I did verify that the FArrayWriter does contain valid data and the remote address is valid, but the bytes_sent variable never returns anything above zero, so I get the “nothing sent” message. I tried looking at the definition of FSocket::SendTo and it was just a UE_LOG, so I’m not too sure what to make of that. I also made sure that the socket is initialized AsReusable(). Any idea as to what’s happening?

I increased the send and receive buffer size for both unreal instances and that let the sender send data, but the receiver on the other machine isn’t receiving it.

Turns out I was initializing the receiver with the local address (