Compilation error Visual Studio 2017

I have a trouble with compilation from UE4 launcher and can’t find the solution… I have reinstalled UE4 and VS 2017 , I have all SDK packages, but still get this message error… could you tell me please ,how to solve this problem ? oh and also I have problem with “stdafx.h”. My VS says that it need “pch.h” instead of “stdafx.h”. Here is a screenshot. Is it possible,that the problem in pre-compilation title and thats the reason of “no such file or directory”?

Btw sorry for stupid question,I’m just a noob at this and learning… Just can’t watch next lessons on udemy because of this problem… I would be glad if you or may be someone from your acquainted or friends knew the solution. Waiting for your reply. Thank you

Running E:/UE_4.17/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe MyProject Development Win64 -project=“E:/Документы/Unreal Projects/MyProject/MyProject.uproject” -editorrecompile -progress -NoHotReloadFromIDE

Performing full C++ include scan (building a new target)

Creating makefile for MyProject (no existing makefile)

@progress push 5%

Parsing headers for MyProjectEditor

Running UnrealHeaderTool “E:???㬥???\Unreal Projects\MyProject\MyProject.uproject” “E:???㬥???\Unreal Projects\MyProject\Intermediate\Build\Win64\MyProjectEditor\Development\MyProjectEditor.uhtmanifest” -LogCmds=“loginit warning, logexit warning, logdatabase error” -Unattended -WarningsAsErrors -installed

Reflection code generated for MyProjectEditor in 17,7254926 seconds

@progress pop

Performing 15 actions (2 in parallel)

[2/15] Resource ModuleVersionResource.rc.inl


[3/15] Resource PCLaunch.rc



c1xx: fatal error C1083: ?? 㤠??? ??? 䠩? ???筨?: E:?"???'?<\Unreal Projects\MyProject\Source\MyProject\MyProject.cpp: No such file or directory,

c1xx: fatal error C1083: ?? 㤠??? ??? 䠩? ???筨?: E:?"???'?<\Unreal Projects\MyProject\Source\MyProject\MyProjectCharacter.cpp: No such file or directory,



c1xx: fatal error C1083: ?? 㤠??? ??? 䠩? ???筨?: E:?"???'?<\Unreal Projects\MyProject\Source\MyProject\MyProjectHUD.cpp: No such file or directory,

c1xx: fatal error C1083: ?? 㤠??? ??? 䠩? ???筨?: E:?"???'?<\Unreal Projects\MyProject\Source\MyProject\MyProjectGameMode.cpp: No such file or directory,


c1xx: fatal error C1083: ?? 㤠??? ??? 䠩? ???筨?: E:?"???'?<\Unreal Projects\MyProject\Source\MyProject\MyProjectProjectile.cpp: No such file or directory,


c1xx: fatal error C1083: ?? 㤠??? ??? 䠩? ???筨?: E:?"???'?<\Unreal Projects\MyProject\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Inc\MyProject\MyProject.init.gen.cpp: No such file or directory,


c1xx: fatal error C1083: ?? 㤠??? ??? 䠩? ???筨?: E:?"???'?<\Unreal Projects\MyProject\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Inc\MyProject\MyProjectCharacter.gen.cpp: No such file or directory,


c1xx: fatal error C1083: ?? 㤠??? ??? 䠩? ???筨?: E:?"???'?<\Unreal Projects\MyProject\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Inc\MyProject\MyProjectGameMode.gen.cpp: No such file or directory,



c1xx: fatal error C1083: ?? 㤠??? ??? 䠩? ???筨?: E:?"???'?<\Unreal Projects\MyProject\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Inc\MyProject\MyProjectHUD.gen.cpp: No such file or directory,

c1xx: fatal error C1083: ?? 㤠??? ??? 䠩? ???筨?: E:?"???'?<\Unreal Projects\MyProject\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Inc\MyProject\MyProjectProjectile.gen.cpp: No such file or directory,

ERROR: UBT ERROR: Failed to produce item: E:???㬥???\Unreal Projects\MyProject\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-MyProject.dll

Total build time: 132,63 seconds (Local executor: 0,00 seconds)