how to makea flickering light in the color red?

So i already made a flickering light material but i want the place to light up in red so i made a spot light in red and added the flicker material but i needed the lamp itself so i got a cylinder and did some working and it looks like an alarm lamp but i want it in red so the flicker can look realistic

The mesh representing the lamp will need a special material which produces an ever changing emissive color, in sync with the light function you used in the spotlight actor. You’ll probably want to put the flicker logic into a material function so you can reuse it in both materials, making maintenance simpler.

can you please simplify and sorry if that should have been simple but i am not that experienced so if you can simplify it by a step by step way i would be grateful

The image bellow shows a simple setup for the material to be used on the lamp mesh.

thank you so much for your help