Is it possible to have "on event overlap" nodes only trigger once a certain actor has overlapped it?

I know that this may seem foolish, but is there a way to have the event “begin overlap” only trigger after a certain actor has begun to overlap that blueprint that the “begin overlap” node is in, or will i have to do this through c++ code?

You can change collision parameters of a trigger to ignore all the but the type of actor you want to interact with.

As far as interactacting with a specific actor, you would need to compare the actor sent by the overlap event with a reference to the actor.

Yep, I think just comparing and filtering after the event comes in is your best bet.

Having something where you can say “I want this event only for this actor” is an interesting concept but not something we have right now. All that would really do is do the branch for you behind the scenes, but I can see why it would be nice to have.
