How to add parameters to sequencer events?

I used to be able to add sequencer event parameters in older versions of UE following this procedure:

However in the newest version when I add an events track I get this:

How do I add event parameters in sequences in UE 4.21?

PS: I managed to create event parameters in older version of unreal engine and migrated that sequencer asset to the new project and can add event parameters. But how can do this for new sequences in 4.21?

I have save question~. UE4.12 could add param. but now its invalid

Same question, we use a lot of custom events for our game, now it can’t work anymore… and I don’t understand how the new system can allow the same kind of feature…

I found a solution :
But you need to modify the code and compile unreal.

The old event behaviour is still there (4.22) but you can’t create one.

in UE4\Engine\Source\Editor\MovieSceneTools\Private\TrackEditors\EventTrackEditor.cpp
in the function FEventTrackEditor::BuildOutlinerEditWidget

add this line 123

				LOCTEXT("AddNewSceneEventSection", "LevelScene"),
				LOCTEXT("AddNewSceneEventSectionTooltip", "Adds a new section that can trigger an event with parameters in the level BP"),
				FUIAction(FExecuteAction::CreateSP(this, &FEventTrackEditor::CreateNewSection, TrackPtr, RowIndex + 1, UMovieSceneEventSection::StaticClass()))

this will get the old event back

and for the default type, in UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\MovieSceneTracks\Private\Tracks\MovieSceneEventTrack.cpp


    UMovieSceneSection* UMovieSceneEventTrack::CreateNewSection()
    	return NewObject<UMovieSceneEventSection>(this, UMovieSceneEventSection::StaticClass(), NAME_None, RF_Transactional);

The track add the event like before and keep the new behavior possible.

This seems like the correct answer but I am still using my older work around. Migrate your old asset from the earlier engine version and event track shows up. You can avoid having to rebuild the engine. You can make duplicates of that asset if you need a new asset with event track.