How to get Pawn rotation in a Animation Blueprint?

I’m trying to get the Pawns rotation in a Animation Blueprint (Event Graph), so I can feed that information to a 2D Blend Space (which is a 4-way movement animation, so forward, right, back, left).

However, everything I’ve tried ot retrieve that information simply doesn’t work.

I start with a “Try Get Pawn Owner”, on which I’ve tried “Get Actor Rotation”, “Get Control Rotation”, I even tried “Get Controller” and then “Get Rotation”.

Could someone enlight me why this is not working? Or maybe better yet: Is there a better way to control 4 movement animations like I want too?

Same issue as me - BP vs ABP values - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums

Use “Get Actor Right Vector” and “Get Actor Forward Vector”, and use that as X/Y input for your 2D Blend Space.