Errors since 4.21 update


I am getting a couple of errors since the 4.21 update, but couldn’t find any documentation or threats on this specifically.

C2039 ‘MeshComponentUpdateFlag’: is not a member of ‘USkeletalMeshComponent’
C2248 ‘APawn::PlayerState’: cannot access private member declared in class ‘APawn’

Thanks in advance.

Hi there,

The first error (C2039 ) is caused by trying to call a function/Use a variable which name has been probably changed.
The second error (C2248) is caused by trying to access a function that has been moved from the public to the private access modifier.

Such errors happen when you upgrade your project because Unreal is still in development and things tend to change, stuff gets obsolete. The functionality is probably still there you just need to find the new functions/variables or their new names. Or you could make your own version of the editor(which I do not advice).
Also, you can downgrade back to your previous version.