Why can't Unreal Engine 4 find my Perforce workspace?

I am trying to setup a perforce server so I can work on a game with some people and Unreal Engine 4 can’t detect the workspace in perforce. Maybe it is because the workspace is on another drive? And if that is the reason why, is there anyway to work around this? Any help is appreciated.


First thing first, could you please describe your setup?

If I understand correctly, you have installed a local server, on which you created an (empty?) repository.
Did you create a workspace on your drive, connected to this repository? Is it working fine in Helix/Perforce GUI called P4V?

A workspace is local “copy” of the repository, where you can work, add/modify files and then submit them to the repository on the server.
This workspace needs to be at the same location as your Unreal Project; by which I mean that if you create a MyProject UE4 project into D:\Unreal Projects\My Project this should by the location of your workspace.
From this point Unreal should be able to find the workspace if you provide all the connection information.
